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After the action runs, it outputs the following properties:

  • prs: The release PRs opened by release-plz. It's an array of objects with the properties of pr. (Not useful for now. Use pr instead).
  • pr: The release PR opened by release-plz. It's a JSON object with the following properties:
    • head_branch: The name of the branch where the changes are implemented.
    • base_branch: The name of the branch the changes are pulled into. It is the default branch of the repository. E.g. main.
    • html_url: The URL of the PR.
    • number: The number of the PR.
  • releases: The JSON output of the release command. It's an array of JSON objects with the following properties:
    • package_name: The name of the package that was released.
    • prs: Array of PRs present in the changelog body of the release. Usually, they are the PRs containing the changes that were released. Each entry is an object containing:
      • html_url: The URL of the PR.
      • number: The number of the PR.
    • tag: git tag name of the package that was released. It's returned even if you have git_tag_enable set to false, so that you can use this to create the git tag yourself.
    • version: The version of the package that was released.
  • prs_created: Whether release-plz created any release PR. Boolean.
  • releases_created: Whether release-plz released any package. Boolean.

Example: read the output

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Install Rust toolchain
uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
- name: Run release-plz
id: release-plz # <--- ID used to refer to the outputs. Don't forget it.
uses: MarcoIeni/release-plz-action@v0.5
- name: Read release output
RELEASES: ${{ steps.release-plz.outputs.releases }}
PRS: ${{ steps.release-plz.outputs.prs }}
PR: ${{ }}
PRS_CREATED: ${{ steps.release-plz.outputs.prs_created }}
RELEASES_CREATED: ${{ steps.release-plz.outputs.releases_created }}
run: |
set -e
echo "releases: $RELEASES" # example: [{"package_name":"my-package","prs":[{"html_url":"","number":1439}],"tag":"v0.1.0","version":"0.1.0"}]
echo "prs: $PRS" # example: [{"base_branch":"main","head_branch":"release-plz-2024-05-01T20-38-05Z","html_url":"","number":198}]
echo "pr: $PR" # example: {"base_branch":"main","head_branch":"release-plz-2024-05-01T20-38-05Z","html_url":"","number":198}
echo "prs_created: $PRS_CREATED" # example: true
echo "releases_created: $RELEASES_CREATED" # example: true

# get the number of releases with jq
releases_length=$(echo "$RELEASES" | jq 'length')
echo "releases_length: $releases_length"

# access the first release with jq
release_version=$(echo "$RELEASES" | jq -r '.[0].version')
echo "release_version: $release_version"

# access the first release with fromJSON. Docs:
echo "release_version: ${{ fromJSON(steps.release-plz.outputs.releases)[0].version }}"

release_tag=$(echo "$RELEASES" | jq -r '.[0].tag')
echo "release_tag: $release_tag"

release_package_name=$(echo "$RELEASES" | jq -r '.[0].package_name')
echo "release_package_name: $release_package_name"

# print all names of released packages, one per line
echo "package_names: $(echo "$RELEASES" | jq -r '.[].package_name')"
# TODO: show how to store this in a variable and iterate over it (maybe an array?). PR welcome!

# iterate over released packages
for package_name in $(echo "$RELEASES" | jq -r '.[].package_name'); do
echo "released $package_name"

echo "pr_number: ${{ fromJSON( }}"
echo "pr_html_url: ${{ fromJSON( }}"
echo "pr_head_branch: ${{ fromJSON( }}"
echo "pr_base_branch: ${{ fromJSON( }}"